Sunday, September 6, 2009

Grasping for Air

It's been two weeks and I'm trying to enjoy this Labor Day holiday with family.

Here's how this is a more difficult task than one would expect: I have time, but no real idea of how I should be managing it. Having just begun this process, I want to exceed beyond my expectations. Given this extraordinary opportunity, I have no time nor little patience with not challenging myself to reach my fullest potential.

Therein lies the problem: I want to read and study all the time, yet it not physically possible nor realistic. So I feel as if I am trying the impossible task of grasping for air with a pair of tweezers. It's all around, but not to be held in one's hands. With an afternoon open, I jump from reference book to reference book and assess the varied projects due this summer. Should I be reading Bad Blood right now? Will Stats be my weakness, so focus on nailing validity, central tendency, and collapsing variables now before it's too late? Or better yet, should I be studying the lecture powerpoints for the coming week?

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